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This is a strong character-driven story that delves deep into the psyche of the 'Marsh Girl' told from her perspective. Kya is a young girl left to her own devices to survive the environment and the hostility encountered from abuse at home and the local townspeople. (mostly told in her POV). There were a few places in the story when other character's mindsets were explored. Unfortunately a few spots of head-hopping mishaps as well, but overall I listened to this novel and was impressed with the subtle plot development and the authentic characterizations of all. The narrator performed superbly, true voices for each of the characters and a very enjoyable tone throughout. The ending was a surprise, the very end, and worth the wait. I recommend this book for those who enjoy heartfelt stories about people overcoming obstacles and personally thriving.
Soon the eBook version of BREAKING CURSED BONDS will be released, and...
I would love to take a breather, but where one road ends - another begins!
Once the eBook is available September 1st, then promotion will be needed, as well as finishing up on the paperback formatting which will be released in November 2013. I am a new author and self-publisher, and all this work to get the story finished has been a new experience with a wide learning curve. Anyone who has a story to share can do it, and if your tool belt is rusty just ask for help. My previous lines of work did not involve the same tools needed to write and publish. I had a lot to learn.
I turned to fellow authors in the writing community, many who were happy to share their experiences and knowledge.
While every journey is unique, I was thankful for all the marvelous people who call themselves writers and authors. In many business formats, competition rules, often cut throat competition. One thing I have noticed in the modern world of independent publishing is that while there is still competition - it is more of a community of sharing, and collaborating. We sponsor each other with blog hops, we promote each other's books, platforms, blogs, websites, and anything else we create. It is a wonderful thing to be involved in a community so sharing and open. There are now groups that help self-publishers like AiA (Assoc. of Independent Authors) and ALLi (the Alliance of Independent Authors). Of course not everything is always rosy, there have been a few who chose to write bad reviews to stack the deck, but it is at a minimum. They get called out by the community protests with their Facebook posts, tweets and blog posts. As a writing community they will not let abuse go on without the outcry for moral and civilized actions. The individual is still respected as an individual with a unique right to freedom of speech, we are all encouraged to act responsibly and with care.
This profession of writing is evolving to face the new challenges in the free world.
Since the wide world web has given access to so much, we are experiencing new trends. So if anyone can give real sound advice to a newbie like me it has to be something like this - "Keep your eyes open, watch and learn, because it changes fast, and we need to swim with the tide." The bottom line is to keep writing, tell your story, share with the community and be true to yourself.
The past few weeks I shared Part One of a story I was developing. That is back on my desk to edit and rewrite. In the meantime, I wanted to touch upon a few other thoughts concerning writing.
There are many people who consider themselves writers, and many who don't and probably should. We have been trained to think that writers are authors who get published in books - Well I never liked being told what to think or do! So if you please, JUMP out of that box with me for a moment.
Yes authors are writers, but there are more. Being a writer is more than are a writer if you write to express yourself or an idea, and if you
you write everyday in a journal
you are part of a team at work that summarizes projects
you blog
or any other type of consistent writing platform
Then you are a writer - YOU write to express yourself or an idea. In our society writers tend to be the people who seek out:
making sense of the world around them
need for balance
seek the finish line -
they can envision the end goal in their mind
Anyone can pick up the pen, pencil, keyboard - and start writing. If you are disabled there are other software out there to assist, so no excuses. Everyone can benefit from writing, and here are a few benefits already recognized.
The physical act of writing out our thoughts, our fears, anxieties, and situations we are struggling with, helps to heal us inside.
One of the most human of all needs is the NEED TO BE HEARD. We seek out self expression in many ways, but writing is one of the most expressive and healing of all.
The act of writing connects the two parts of the brain at the same time. While we are immersed in the physical, it connects with our conceptual side, bringing them together to make one final harmonious thought. What could be more beautiful than that?
This July there are many people out there who are participating in the NaNoWriMo July event. Check it out for the next round, and challenge yourself to some robust writing.
It just may help you discover something new about yourself, or the world around you.
Keep reading - keep writing! and have a great weekend.
As writers, our lists usually involve publishing a piece of work, our ART. This is the year I plan to release my first novel,
It is a manuscript that has been on my writer's bucket list for a while now!
A work in progress for three years, finally I see the end of the tunnel.
Now only two more items to check off my list in 2013!
#1 Sending free copies to a few choice friends and readers asking for some final feedback, and hopefully a review or two.I have it formatted, so anyone interested, please send me an email.
#2 finalizing my cover design – currently there is a working option, but the final cover is not chosen, hoping for a few more choices.I plan to use a designer to check the final file and formatting.
With all the steps below already checked off, and the last two soon to be done, I am confident I will be releasing the novel this year.How do I feel about it? - SCARED!It is difficult to let go.
My first work has been a labor of love, and I have enjoyed the process.I have two more manuscripts in the works and hope to follow shortly with another release after “BREAKING CURSED BONDS”.I hope you will enjoy my work in the near future.
Working on my manuscript part time while working a full-time job for two years, I am now writing full time. I decided I needed to finish what I began, and give it my best effort.
I have a lot I can check off as accomplished, and that makes me feel good.
üFirst Draft Finished
üRequested Feedback & Comments from First Readers
üRevised and Added Material
üPrinted and Made Corrections
üSent Copy to an Editor
üReviewed Editor’s Report and Revised Manuscript
üRewrite & Self Edit (this actually was done in a few cycles!)
üThen it was converted to epub and mobi format to view and edit again, checking how the new material added looked.
üThen I read it aloud and made more changes to dialogue
üAgain edited and checked for straggling mistakes not caught with built in spell and grammar checks
Best of luck to you and YOUR ART! Keep Writing.
Support our Blog Tour Host:
A message from Dana Sitar-
Thank you for your support of “A Writer’s Bucket List” throughout this journey. I’m so excited today to announce the book’s OFFICIAL RELEASE! You can buy it here:
Today through February 12, the book is 30% off the list price. Get “A Writer’s Bucket List” plus a free copy of the DIY Writing “Brainstorming Workbook”, the “Bucket List Workbook”, and “Bucket List Exercises” for $6.95 -- so be sure to share the book today, so no one misses out on the discount!
There are so many things I want to do
in 2013 and I could go crazy listing them all. To accomplish the entirety, I
could micro manage myself to death, but through the years I have found doing
that only gives me fuel to doubt myself when the list is still wavering with a
long tail of unattained accomplishments at the end of the year.
So I decided to use a different
approach this year.I really need some
positive feedback and a way to bolster my attitude and stay focused and
positive. I will still have my BIG GOALS, but this year I am going to break
things out into smaller activities, so I can see that my efforts have
accomplished something, even if I don't finish my book or get published in
After working three years on my novel
and still at the editing phase, I am feeling a bit deflated. So in 2013 I will write
down each small step in my final edit. I am hoping this will encourage me and
keep any momentum going.I also plan on
working with another person in a writing group I follow, hoping we can cheer
each other on. We want to try to write 1000 words a day.
Supporting each other during the weekly
and daily struggles, I am hoping that we can each accomplish much this year.
Best of luck to all other writers out
I hope we can all share and support each
other in 2013. Writing can be very lonely and overwhelming, with the end never
really in sight. Together we can take small steps each day and work towards our
big goal.
Now that the holiday season is
fast approaching, many of us are preparing for the festivities. Some are busy
shopping - no let's make that most are busy shopping. Great care is taken to
find that special gift, hoping it will bring joy to our loved one. Unfortunately the sad truth is there are
many who are depressed during the holidays. The buying and giving of gifts is
out of reach for many. Also not everyone has family to
share the revelries. Others have such high expectations that they are left
feeling empty when the realities of life set. Some people are sad during the
holidays, and many suffer from depression.
This year many people have suffered from
the poor economic situation. Some have lost their job. Others are underemployed,
which can be depressing and attack a person's ego and self-worth. Take time this holiday season to reflect on the true meaning behind the celebration. Reach out and try to touch someone. Make a difference in a person's life. The idea of a good deed moving forward should especially be strong now. Remember the unselfish acts of the original Saint Nicholas, who is considered the greatest gift giver of all time. He delivered basic food, necessities and money needed for the survival of others. He was concerned about other's well-being and happiness. Emotionally, we all need a pat on the back now and again.
When a person's self-esteem is wavering, it is even more urgent. Don't just participate in this year’s
festivity, but instead become involved with the people closest to you.
Royalty free stock photos. All pictures are free for commercial and personal
If you really like these pictures you can buy George a cup of coffee.
Look around you and see the people behind the mask. If you see sadness in their face, reach out and ask them if they are okay. Listen to their story. Take
time to hear them and give them moral support. Sometimes just being recognized and
validated can help. No one should be sad during the holidays. During this Advent season let’s help each
other so it will be a Merry Christmas! Until next post…have a great day.
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There are many people and
organizations out there who offer web seminars and online classes to help
improve writing skills. Be very careful choosing the right one if you decide to
pay for the knowledge.I have found that
there are many writers, editors and publishers, who freely offer help and assistance and give useful
comments and ideas. Often the information you need is right at your fingertips.
Open up the browser, plug in your
keywords, and begin searching for the information you need.I’ve taken the liberty of plugging (below) a couple
of useful sites that I have found; they have given me insightful information
and remind me of good habits to keep improving my writing skills.
There are also many forums and discussion
groups with real people, with real experience, and they are willing to help. I urge any writer to take advantage of the
knowledge from the community already out there, already discussing the same things we all need - good writing skills.
I have never been one to ask for help,
being an independent free thinker, but the knowledge
I received just by asking is irreplaceable.The “help” from
a cooperative discussion exchanging ideas, and of course the value of
real experience, is priceless.With all
these forums, discussion groups, and the wonderful web browser, it is so easy
to get the information you need.It is very refreshing to have so many writers out there who are
willing to share ideas with other writers.This support has inspired me to continue working, and continue writing.I can do this in my own way, in my own time,
and with my own thoughts.I am not part
of the flock – I am an individual, respected as such, and only one voice among
many other individual and unique voices.
This week I am still editing my book, focusing on the story's structure, to ensure the correct foundation is in place to create the appropriate
element of tension and flow.Just like an old
fashioned sewing machine, where the user always had to keep the tension at the
proper level otherwise the thread would break; the same goes with a story.If the tension is too tight the thread will
snap, and if there is no tension the stitches become a loose and the seam is no
Suggestions to other (aspiring) writers-
-do your research, and read 2-
make sure your sentences are properly structured, and read 3-
make sure your idea flows forward while balancing the idea that you want to get
across, and read.
you may have ascertained my main idea – to write well you need to know and recognize
good writing.
The best way to do this is
to READ!Happy reading to all.
Community Sites &
tips from Writers/editors/publishers:
There are also so many writers who have blog pages filled
with useful ideas and knowledge regarding formatting, software,
self-publishing, creating ebooks, and much more, to help.
In a recent on-line discussion between writers, it was mentioned that there are many famous authors who are able work closely with assigned editors to complete their work. Since I am not a published author yet, and very new to the process, I am basically on my own and get to work through this "editing process" on my own. I may want to pay for a professional to look at my work when I am finished, before I send it to any potential publishers, but limited to only what my wallet allows. So I am very quickly learning the do's and dont's, and I am grateful for the many blog and discussion sites on the web where writers can share their experiences. Without an editor to guide me, I find myself questioning my own ideas at times. Working on a larger project also causes some confusion for me at times. That's when I step away for a while, and then come back with a fresh view (at least I try to). My story's idea for my first book came to me by chance. I wanted to write something that would horrorify and keep the reader on their toes, because like most, I love a good scare. Then I started reading up on some interesting people I heard about, the Timucua tribe, who are now extinct but used to live in the Florida area. As I did more research, a story emerged. I ended up with a tale of a family curse - tied to a ceremony enacted centuries ago. A young couple meet and together struggle to end the curse, and of course fall in love. There is a lot of family drama, supernatural undertones, and some crime. A real stew! I really hope someone will be able to enjoy the story. Right now I am working on the last few editing steps.... I can't wait until I am finished.
Last week I was on vacation, and I
swore it was going to be relaxing. It's funny how our daily habits creep up,
blind sighting ourselves with the monotony of our everyday rituals. Some things
we just gravitate to like watching the news in the morning with a cup of know, the simple things we do over and over again without even
a second thought.
I skipped a week of my blog during
my vacation and used the time to think about where I was going - my goals and
how I was going to accomplish them. I came to the conclusion that what I needed
most to attain my goals is a good set of writing habits.
Definition of Habit -
1. an acquired behavior pattern regularly followed until it has become almost involuntary 2. customary
practice or use 3. a
particular practice, custom, or usage 4. a
dominant or
regular disposition or tendency; prevailing character
or quality 5. addiction,
especially to
So what are the best habits to utilize to attain good writing? There are many experts in the field that have lists and secrets. The bottom line is it has to work for the writer. Some of my first thoughts are:
Create and utilize writing project outlines (to have a clear vision)
Create character lists (get to know them in detail
before you start writing the story)
Research (your subject, location or anything relevant)
Be flexible and adjust your original thoughts as necessary to keep the story flowing
Track changes (it is easy to get confused especially writing a larger project)
Write down ideas when they pop in your head (save for future, always have paper & pen)
Reserve a designated amount of time to sit & write. This is
often the hardest to accomplish because we have so many distractions. So, just
like punching a time clock, schedule time to write. Also needed is time to edit
the writings, and let's not forget that we also have to format, send letters,
and market. This is very daunting when you think of all the time these
activities consume.
My main goal is to stay true to the main objective, and never
give up writing time. This will need to be my most obsessive writing habit -
my addiction.
So much information is at our fingertips,
uploading to multiple sites with the touch of a button. It's wonderful and
exciting but the question is…"Who has time to read it all?"
There is something to be said to pulling the plug
and taking a break from the social dialogue. Turn it off for an opportunity to
actually absorb and process the information we have been bombarded with
So the challenge is - disconnect for a day or so
and see what happens. Believe me it will not make things dull.
Many of us have forgotten how to analyze,
comprehend and truly appreciate these "things" we are exposed to
everyday. I am as guilty as anyone, often forgetting to value the idea. I
sometimes neglect to perceive the deeper thoughts behind the words, and gather only the
face value instead. Many of us jam too much information into a day, leaving us
empty in the end.We need time to reflect.
Our relationships can weaken if we don't take the
proper time to foster them.We instead spend
time cultivating our social media. My point is let's take the time to appreciate
the moment, the idea or the word for what it is, savor it and then add it into
our own personal tapestry, filled with enrichment.Let others know you appreciate and validate their
viewpoints.Step back and give yourself
time to process your own feelings about this intelligence we are exposed to.
Nurture the relationship you have with yourself.
The same applies with writing. During the editing
process, I am experiencing the hardship of honestly seeing what is in front of me. The
story was created in my head well in advance of it hitting the page. To edit
and review the words with fresh eyes is a challenge. To help myself in the
process, I discovered the best method is to wait with patience and give myself
space, step back and remove my preconceptions, and then view again trying to
envision it without anticipations. I must concede, for me this is the hardest
part of writing.
So in an earnest attempt to step back - I will be
on vacation this week! I know it will be rough but I will give it my best shot.
All joking aside, the challenge will be trying not to hop onto the computer.
Even from the beach however, I will still be writing something, if not on the computer
then in my head.
For now, this is me signing off for today.
REM Everybody Hurts click link
I hope you enjoy this music video. Everytime I watch and listen I SEE something else revealing....