Are We Really All Connected?

There are of course other factors to consider. We may not have the fasted connectivity but we are the biggest users. Find out more if your interested - Global Internet Users has been changing.
I personally hope as we think about our connectivity to others, our access and speed, that we also think about our freedoms and responsibilities. We cannot take things for granted anymore. Everyday we are reminded about the shadow of 'Big Brother' watching (and listening & gathering data) I don't want to live my life monitoring every word out of my mouth afraid of censorship or worse - but at the same time I do realize I need to be responsible and send out inoffensive content because I don't want to be a negative influencer, but a positive part of the society as a hole. So we all need to KEEP our FREEDOM in mind, and make sure we never lose our most precise asset of the internet connectivity.

Keep reading - Keep writing!