Human Monsters
The late morning sun was warm on my face, with closed eyes I drifted into rest,
Neighborhood dogs were barking, one
trying to outdo the other, sounds growing louder.
The caws of birds and some squeaks in
flight, then the buzz, of bees
Working diligently, going from one
flower to the next,
Gathering the last of the blossom
pollen to make their nectar.
We humans are part of this nature –
We too gather and toil away by shear instinct, when we allow.
Often we manifest ourselves with our
intellect instead,
That part of us, We think, that ranks us above the rest of nature.
We use it to reason, to excuse and create, but sometimes it is the birthplace for the
It is a ruse, a screen, and a place
to hide the hideous things we reason inside.
Our darkest thoughts are raised by
it, turned into monsters and then we do the unnatural –
We hurt, war, kill and maim in the
name of humanity.
We bring our rank down below the
natural world; we turn ourselves into the devil.
Can we turn our dark to light, and
bring thoughts forward to uplift?
Politicians are not the only users of
the screen – we all use the words to hide.
So each day you choose your road –
intellect or nature…. Do what is natural,
Be part of the earth, uplift each
other and keep the monsters in the closets of the other’s mind.
Like an animal, watchful of danger, stay away from the human monsters.
Be an example of the goodness that comes when we follow our nature,
True human nature, which thrives on community and the spirit of
Creation for its own sake, for beauty
to be shared,
And where
monsters are make-believe, and
Not dreamt up to explain the horrors
done, from man onto man.
& Poem Created by Elisabeth Zguta ©