Showing posts with label challenge. Show all posts
Showing posts with label challenge. Show all posts

Monday, January 13, 2014

Reinventing Yourself - Growing Better (Be a mentor - Share your experience)

You never thought about it before - it always looked so far away, then - S-M-A-CK-  you're there. One day you wake up, look in the mirror and realize, 'Hey I'm 50 - something!'

Some people are so comfortable in their routine they think there is nothing more to learn after they hit the 50's...  but for those who still want to figure out 'what they want to be when they grow up', and those who like change, and want to reinvent themselves, take heart.

Today, age is nothing more than a number.  Who cares if you're 50-something?  What matters most is growing - not old - but evolving into a better person.  We will never reach perfection, but that doesn't mean we can't keep reaching and learning new ideas.

Many baby boomers use their older years to do the things they always wanted to do in their bucket list.  That can be good - but I challenge anyone - no matter how young or old - to do something that will help someone else.  Bucket lists fill a personal need but doesn't reach out to others.

Next week Jan 17th - 19th join the 2nd Annual "Pay It Forward" event and do a random act of kindness.  See you there...   This is one challenge that will help you become a mentor instead of the 'main character', and share your talents for the benefit of another.  This can be an empowering moment for all.

In the meantime, don't worry about your age - Just be honest with yourself.  If you are not happy with your current situation don't be afraid to change - it is never too late to learn something new.  Make yourself useful, for yourself and others too.  Share your experiences and knowledge.

I started writing, not knowing exactly what I was searching for - a new career (at my age, really?) - a change - a channel to be creative.  During my journey I learned new things, added tools to my knowledge base, met new people with fresh ideas (and old ideas too) but mostly I challenged myself every day.

You can't help but grow when you are faced with a challenge.

So don't get depressed if you are like me, getting older - Remember you are still alive and kicking and it's a great big world out there.  Today we have so much information at our fingers, there is no excuse to find something new and invigorating, adding to your quality of life.

Don't be afraid to reinvent yourself - Grow into a better you.

Keep reading - Keep writing!

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

What Will You Cross Off Your Bucket List in 2013?

With Dana Sitar to celebrate the launch of "A Writer's Bucket List"



As writers, our lists usually involve publishing a piece of work, our ART. This is the year I plan to release my first novel,


It is a manuscript that has been on my writer's bucket list for a while now!
A work in progress for three years, finally I see the end of the tunnel. 

Now only two more items to check off my list in 2013!

#1 Sending free copies to a few choice friends and readers asking for some final feedback, and hopefully a review or two.  I have it formatted, so anyone interested, please send me an email.
#2 finalizing my cover design – currently there is a working option, but the final cover is not chosen, hoping for a few more choices.  I plan to use a designer to check the final file and formatting.

With all the steps below already checked off, and the last two soon to be done, I am confident I will be releasing the novel this year.  How do I feel about it? - SCARED!  It is difficult to let go.

My first work has been a labor of love, and I have enjoyed the process.  I have two more manuscripts in the works and hope to follow shortly with another release after “BREAKING CURSED BONDS”.  I hope you will enjoy my work in the near future.


Working on my manuscript part time while working a full-time job for two years, I am now writing full time. I decided I needed to finish what I began, and give it my best effort.

I have a lot I can check off as accomplished, and that makes me feel good.

ü First Draft Finished

ü Requested Feedback & Comments from First Readers

ü Revised and Added Material

ü Printed and Made Corrections

ü Sent Copy to an Editor

ü Reviewed Editor’s Report and Revised Manuscript

ü Rewrite & Self Edit (this actually was done in a few cycles!)

ü Then it was converted to epub and mobi format to view and edit again, checking how the new material added looked.

ü Then I read it aloud and made more changes to dialogue

ü Again edited and checked for straggling mistakes not caught with built in spell and grammar checks

Best of luck to you and YOUR ART! Keep Writing.

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A message from Dana Sitar-

Thank you for your support of “A Writer’s Bucket List” throughout this journey. I’m so excited today to announce the book’s OFFICIAL RELEASE!

You can buy it here:

Today through February 12, the book is 30% off the list price. Get “A Writer’s Bucket List” plus a free copy of the DIY Writing “Brainstorming Workbook”, the “Bucket List Workbook”, and “Bucket List Exercises” for $6.95 -- so be sure to share the book today, so no one misses out on the discount!