Showing posts with label Antebellum home. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Antebellum home. Show all posts

Monday, June 23, 2014

Big Secret In Memphis - A hidden treasure at Davies Manor

Anyone who is a Civil War buff will enjoy exploring the Antebellum log home, filled with memories and ghosts.

Davies Manor Plantation circa 1803

Last week I was invited to visit a truly remarkable historical site in Shelby County Tennessee.

The Davies Manor Plantation located in  Bartlett Tennessee has a mission to preserve and enhance the old homestead as a portrayal of early Shelby County farm life for the education and enjoyment of all visitors.

The home is filled with authentic antiques and lends the imagination to meander into a window of the past and see first hand what the original homesteaders dealt with on a daily basis. There are also letters and accounts of the family life back when things were different. I hesitate to say harder, because many may envy the less complicated life back in the early 1800's. 

There are some who say ghosts still linger the old plantation home. I heard some of the stories and will definitely go back for more, but I have not seen evidence yet. 

Still there are many sad tales littering the family history. An interruption of the souls' lofty departure to the heavens is not unreasonable to imagine. The suggested lingering spirits about the place is not difficult to believe.

Here are some pictures I took while visiting.

Kitchen hearth
Lake house moved to Davies Manor

Old time kitchen & 1800's cookbook

I hope that if you ever come to Memphis 
you will take the time to stop at the Davies Manor Plantation as well as Graceland. Truly this exquisite historical home is worth your time - Everyone who visits the Davies Manor Plantation learns something unexpected.

Our past had more purpose, especially in the daily lives, and we can learn from their sacrifices and experiences.

Hope to see you there - until then....

Keep reading - Keep writing!

 Also Visit Memphis Heritage 
National Register of Historic Places